Mailing Lists

Whom you send your advertising to is just as important as what you send them

A mailing list is simply put a collection of addresses and recipients that you want to target with your marketing.   The purpose of any direct mail campaign is to target a list of prospective individuals that qualify for your offer.   postcard marketing allows you to directly target large and small groups of prospects alike.   Depending on the type of mailing your looking at there are several demographics that can come into play such as, age, zip code, income level, gender and even political affiliations.    You can obtain mailing lists that even segregate by interest allowing you to target say just guitar players for example.

Businesses can be targeted by industry, employee size and annual revenue.

There are multiple types of mailing lists

For example you can target new homeowners in a specific region, city or zip code.  This list is perfect for service oriented businesses such as landscapers, fence contractors, hot tube companies etc.

There are list brokers and vendors that offer business to business list, consumer opt in lists and subscriber lists that often originate from magazines.

Hands down a targeted direct mail campaign will help you to keep your marketing costs down all while targeted the prospects most likely to need your products or services.

Reach out to us here or on Facebook to see how Gorilla Cards Custom Print & Design can help you find new customers and save you money.